Industrial recruitment done right

Without a doubt, the demand for industrial expertise in the New Zealand landscape is primed to surge. We take pride in representing a team of seasoned industrial recruiters endowed with a decade-long wealth of experience collaborating with an array of enterprises, spanning nascent startups to industry titans featured in the Fortune 500 roster. Along our journey, we’ve achieved the successful placement of over 4,000 accomplished industrial specialists hailing from diverse vocational backgrounds. To organizations in pursuit of a steadfast and strategic partner in industrial recruitment across New Zealand, we extend a warm invitation to contemplate us as your favored and unwavering choice.

In short, we’re industrial recruitment specialists.

Working with organisations of all sizes in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and New Zealand, our contract recruiters specialise in five key areas:





Warehouse & distribution

Expertise for the industry

We understand the unique needs of employers across these industries, including:

The required qualifications

That each specialisation has a unique set of requirements and skills

The understanding that supply chains and manufacturing are experiencing unprecedented challenges within the current climate

Both the physical and technical demands

That each placement is a representative of your business and have to operate effectively within a team

Our industries

With the industries booming and new projects kicking off all over the place, we are experts across three key areas of industrial recruitment.

Ready to get started?

Let's connect. Whether it's a call, on Teams or via email, chat to your New Zealand Employment Group team about taking your career or team to the next level

Contact us